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Aikido Academy
8708 196th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053
Children's Aikido
Sam is a student in my first grade class. One of the things that Sam has been working on this year has been to improve his listening skills. As you well know, being able to listen and follow directions the first time is a very important skill to master. Sam has talked a lot to me about the Aikido lessons that he takes and is very proud when he passes a test and can move on to the next level. My own son was involved with karate when he was growing up so I am familiar with the wonderful discipline and life lessons that they learn in class along the way. I think that Sam's Aikido lessons have helped develop and reinforce his ability to listen carefully to directions.
I commend Sam for working hard to improve his listening skills in the classroom. I thought you would like to know that his efforts are definitely noticed in my classroom.
Iris Cain, Teacher
(I understand)that Michael can earn a stripe for focus in school. This letter is to inform you that Michael is making remarkable academic progress. This can be attributed to:
Excellent focus
Interest in learning
Parental expectation that encourages Michael to excel
Great motivation
Ms. Okomur, Teacher
This letter is written to inform you of the incredible improvement displayed by Tony and observed within our second grade classroom. During the school year we have observed the following improvements in Tony classroom behavior:
An increased ability to concentrate and stay on task
Minimizing disruption to other students
Patience and self-control observed in raising a hand and waiting until called upon to share
An increased ability to articulate his reasoning
A very impressive vocabulary
The ability to verbally discuss and problem solve issues with other students
General and overall responsible behavior
As a result of Tony's improvement, his second report card this year showed an increase in his score. In numerous categories Tony moved into the second grade "exceeding grade level expectation." We are very proud of Tony’s accomplishments and desire to share them with you. Thanks for your support and investment in an incredibly capable student.
Ms. Howe and Ms. McKenna, Teachers
Dear Sensei Bill,
I don't think often enough to tell you how much your teaching has meant to the girls. Their strength, motivation, self-confidence and maturity have soared since we came to Aikido Academy.
Alice G.
Dear Sensei Bill,
Thank you for the positive encouragement you’ve showed to my son. He came home saying he felt strong, had no pain and was looking forward to going back to class. We can't help but believe that his ‘Aikido Focus’ has played a big part in his most recent accomplishments. Thank you for all that you do in teaching and guiding him.
Mike N.
Dear Sensei Bill and Aikido Academy,
My 11 year-old son was diagnosed with a form of Autism when he was three. He had difficulties in fine and gross motor and balance, along with an inability to focus. This caused difficulty in following directions, sitting still, or paying attention. He started Aikido Academy when he was five. Because of the Autism, the techniques were hard for him, and he struggled to keep up with the other kids his age. I was concerned that he would get frustrated and want to quit. But Sensei Bill patiently and compassionately worked with him, and soon he was testing for his Yellow Belt. Over the last six years, I have watched my son grow and learn. He is now preparing to test for his Brown with White stripe belt. He is calm, focused and while he may still have difficulties with new techniques, he has the confidence from knowing that he has mastered others. Sensei Bill stresses respect, teamwork, pride, confidence and control. My son has learned to incorporate these into his daily life, at the dojo and elsewhere. His occupational therapist has been very impressed with the great strides he has made, and she agrees with me that the principles taught at Aikido have played a big role in his development. I highly recommend Aikido Academy; it deserves much credit for the person my son has become.
Amy G.
Dear Sensei Bill,
Thank you so much for your attention and continuous support on our son's progress on being so responsible and ‘focusing’ on doing his job.
Karen R.
Dear Sensei Bill,
Our son has had a difficult time dealing with mistakes regarding reading. He wouldn't try to read due to his frustration and fear of making mistakes. He has set goals for himself, focused and told himself he could do it. Through your lessons of positive self-talk, compassion and focus, he stepped forward in his learning and read a 50-page book by himself, and rode his bike without training wheels. Now when he has difficulty with something new it is wonderful to hear his positive self-talk and self-compassion when correcting his mistakes. Thank you, Bill, for your lessons and guidance.
Kelly H.
Dear Sensei Bill,
Last week my sons John and Jack played together for hours. They were both excited to try and show respect for each other the entire time knowing that they could give each other a respect stripe at Aikido class.
Margaret N.
My family has been enjoying Sensei Bill since August 2009. Over the years his non-violent way of dealing with physical conflict has been a breath of fresh air. Before we found Sensei Bill, my daughter tried martial arts at a different studio that preached to hurt your opponent before they have a chance to strike; Sensei Bill is the opposite. Both my kids have commented that Sensei Bill is a lot of fun. They enjoy his classes and have mentioned to me they want to continue for many more years.
Ryan C.
My son has been taking lessons at Aikido Academy since spring of 09. He has learned to focus, concentrate and be respectful since he started. It is important to learn how to defend yourself but more importantly, Sensei Bill teaches children how you can use your opponent's negative energy to your advantage.
Adult Martial Arts
The spirit of this dojo reminds me why I fell in love with Martial Arts.
While visiting Seattle I went with my brother and his son to their family class night. The Sensei was welcoming, knowledgeable, and present. He honored the tradition while making it engaging for my brothers son. It was wonderful to see my family bond and have fun while learning REAL Martial Arts. I have taken and belted in 7 different styles from Jeet Kun Do - Muy Thai etc. I can be a bit tough on dojos as I have a very high standard. This place met them and surprised me. Small class size, clean open environment, and a handing down of tradition with love and joy.
After class I asked my nephew to explain what he learned. While still slightly out of breath he explained in detail with excitement what he learned.
If I lived in the area I would come to this dojo. I HIGHLY recommend this place. The spirit of the Martial Art is alive and well here. Bring your kids, get them unplugged from their Play Stations and Facebook. Have them build their minds and physical endurance.
Alberto B.